Monday, May 30, 2005

Long Weekend

This weekend was very lazy. Friday night I was exhausted, we just went to Chili's for dinner and then came home and crashed. Saturday I stayed in my pajamas until 12pm, then we went to Barnes & Noble and my parent's house. I am at my Dad's beck and call for typing documents and notarizing things for him. Anyway, Sunday I stayed in my pj's until 4pm, and could not work up the energy to do anything. It was great and awful at the same time. We eventually worked up enough strength to clean a bit, and then went out to eat with Brent's parents. Today we went over to his parent's house to hang out and swim. Tonight Brent is working, so I had to sit home alone. Got some laundry done and got caught up on Real World/Road Rules Inferno on MTV. Yet another program I am somewhat addicted to. I think I have officially become a couch potato.

Well, this weekend was so un-exciting that I don't really have anything to write about. I have really been wanting to get out of here for a while, even if it's just for a weekend. My mom wants Brent & I and my sister and her boyfriend to go camping with them in June. Camping in June in Florida is generally not the best idea. Between the heat, the mosquitoes, and the rain, it can make for bad times, so I don't know if we'll end up going. We did get a tent and lots of camping gear as wedding presents, so it might be fun to use them. When I imagine camping I like to think of mountains and rivers, not swamps and alligators.

By the way, did anyone notice how I am feeling today? If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out the right sidebar under "Today I'm feeling..."

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Lost Rocks!!

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Did any of the 1 people who read this watch Lost tonight? It was freaking awesome! I had to watch it by myself because Brent was working, and it was actually pretty scary. I know some people don't watch it because it is so confusing, but I've been hooked on it from the beginning, and tonight's finale was just great. It left SO many cliffhangers! What is up with the black kid that they took, and who were those guys? Is Sawyer dead? Why did Hurley say the numbers were bad? I can't wait until next season.

This stinks! I get done with school, plan on spending my nights sitting on my fat ass in front of the TV, and all of the good shows are over for the summer. Now I might have to actually DO something with my evenings, like clean my filthy house and do my piles of laundry.

I have been extremely stressed out because of work. For the past 2 weeks one of the girls I work with has been on vacation, so it is just me and one other person doing the work that 8 people used to do. Not happening. It's kind of funny (in an overwhelimg way) to look at my desk and see all of the different piles of work, and I have like 10 voicemails sitting on my phone. I am not having fun.

I should be making our lunches right now but I just don't feel like it. Keep checking back, good things to come.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

If you're bored...

Take the quiz: "Which Celebrity It Girl are You?"

You are Nicole. You used to be a hopeless sidekick, but you ditched that media whore and turned out, everyone loves you just as much! You are funny and sexy! As long as you keep being yourself everyone is gonna love you more than ever!

That's me, I'm Nicole.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Happy Birthday to You....

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Happy Birthday to Angie today. She is 27, older than me! Okay, so mine is coming up soon too, but she's first!




Monday, May 16, 2005

Year old cake

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Brent's mom kept our cake in her freezer. Honestly, I was not looking forward to eating this thing. I know it's tradition, but year old frozen cake did not sound appetizing. After we unwrapped it from its layers of tin foil, plastic wrap and duct tape, we took it out of the box and just stared at it for a few minutes. I was preparing myself for the worst. We didn't cut pieces, just used a fork to cut into it, figuring we would only want a bite just to say we ate some.

Well, we ended up chowing down on it. It was still good! I should thank Linda for her magnificent food storage skills. Then we threw the rest away. We stayed home and just hung out tonight, since we celebrated over the weekend. I am exhausted anyway. I've been so tired lately.

Happy anniversary everyone.

Friday, May 13, 2005

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How the heck is this thing supposed to stay on??

This photo was in the Bradenton Herald. They couldn't publish a picture of me with my eyes open?

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Busy Day

I don't have much time to write today, but just wanted to say that Graduation went great. It was amazingly boring, but other than that, great! It was a beautiful evening, the ceremony was right on the bay at sunset. I'm going to try to post a couple of pictures tonight if I have time. We are going to Orlando tomorrow right after work, so I have to do laundry and get my stuff together. We are going to Disney on Saturday and I can't wait! I haven't been to Disney in so long, and Brent and I have never been together. Some people think it's silly that I like the Magic Kingdom so much, but I guess it just has a lot of happy memories for me. One of my favorite memories is the time that Angie and I went when we were in high school.

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Hope everyone is having a good day! I am ready to go home and it's only 10:45am.

Monday, May 09, 2005


That's how I feel right now. I am eating SO BAD lately! And not just bad, but eating a lot too. Let's see - Friday night we had pizza, Saturday we went to Applebees and then I had a milkshake, Sunday I ate Taco Bell and then followed that up with a Blizzard from Dairy Queen. Today I had Wendy's for lunch, and then pizza again tonight! I feel pretty disgusting right now. It just gets to a point where it is too much junk. I am hoping that since I am done with school I will be able to cook more and eat more at home. I mean, you know it's getting bad when you pull through the drive through and then find yourself stuffing your face in the car! Not just fries, I'm talking eating whole hamburgers in the car while your driving. Ugh.

I don't have to work tomorrow! Graduation isn't until 6pm but I took the whole day off, just because I wanted to. I went shopping on Saturday and tonight looking for something cute to wear, but didn't really find anything. I bought something but I might end up returning it. My sister thinks I dress like an old lady sometimes. I just want to be comfortable.

I haven't really told many people that I'm graduating, just some family and a few friends know. I find that I am getting asked the same questions over and over again. It's like being in a relationship; you meet someone, things are good, you're dating for a while, and then the questions start. "When are you getting married? Where' the ring?" Then you do finally get engaged, and then you get "when's the date? When are you going to set a freakin date?" You set the date and get married, and then its "when are you having kids? Hurry up and have a baby!" And so on. Well, throughout school I've been asked "what are you going to school for?" about a million times, and for the longest time, I didn't know. Then I would get asked "when will you be finished?" and again, I didn't know. Well, now people still ask me what my major is or what I'm going to school for, and when I tell them, they sometimes get this look on their face. And then they ask the worst question, which is..."What are you going to do with that?" or "What kinds of jobs can you get with that?" I HATE those questions. What many people don't realize, is that nowadays having a Bachelors degree of any kind opens many doors. I am not quite sure at this very moment what I am going to do with a degree yet. It is very likely that I will do nothing right now, at least for a while. It just kind of annoys me that people think that the moment you graduate you have to run right out and get this awesome job, and if you don't know what you're going to do yet, or you have a degree like mine (psychology), they look at you like "what the hell?" Just let me enjoy my moment in the sun people! It took me 7 freakin years!!

Okay, enough with my rant. I feel that there are good things to come, they are on the way. I have been getting very meaningful fortunes in my fortune cookies. My refrigerator has fortunes stuck all over it because I save the good ones. My latest one said that "you will be sharing great news with all the ones you love." Hmmmmm, what could that mean?

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Sweet Relief

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I got a B+ in the class that I was afraid I was going to fail. Very relieved. So that is that; I am truly graduating. I am going to retire my book bag that has taken me through all 7 years, and rid myself of anything having to do with school. I won't throw it out, just get it out of my sight. I'm entertaining the idea of someday going back for a masters or another bachelors, but let's be real; I don't see that happening.

Tonight I am settling in for a night of The O.C. and leftover chinese food. Brent is working tonight. He is making good money doing it, and that is always good. We are really trying to fix up the house to get it ready for sale. It looks great right now. Almost makes us not want to leave. We might not if things keep going the way they are going. We made yet another offer on a house today, but probably too late. It was on the market since...yesterday, and they already had multiple offers. We still submitted ours, and I am not getting my hopes up. I would be THRILLED if we get it because it is basically everything that we want. I know I keep saying it but I am SO OVER this house stuff. IT's kind of like finding a boyfriend; the moment you STOP LOOKING is when you find him. It think it's like that with houses too. We are exhausting ourselves looking at tons of houses, and we'll probably find "the one" when we eventually give up.

This weekend my sister and I are taking my mom to lunch for Mother's day, and I am going shopping. That is exciting for me because I don't get to shop nearly as much as I used to. It seems I am constantly in need of work clothes. It's like as soon as I buy something new to wear, something old that I used to wear disappears.

Well, hope everyone is having a good Cinco de Mayo.

Monday, May 02, 2005

What the hell.... wrong with people that think they are going to get full price for their piece of crap house?? I am over this house shopping stuff. I'm perplexed about some other things too, such as:

*What is going on with Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes? Are they for real? I don't really care much about either one of them, but it is just so strange to me.

*Gwen Stefani's video for "Holla Back Girl." I don't understand what high school, bananas and grocery stores have to do with each other. Why does she have to spell "Banana" in the song over and over? She even kicks a Dole box...I don't know what to think.

Do you ever watch Nanny 911 on Fox? If I ever have a satan-spawn child like some of these kids, I swear I would run away from home. They are AWFUL!

Wish me luck tomorrow, I am going to need it. I take my last (and hardest) final at 6pm. Then I am DONE! I am going to take up a hobby, just because I won't know what to do with all of my spare time. I'll probably just come home from work every night & fall asleep on the couch.

Stole this from Jenn who stole it from Kristy who stole it from Heidi:

5 Things everyone knows about me:
1. I am Pro-Choice
2. I like kareoke
3. My favorite show ever is Friends
4. I wanted to be a Solid Gold dancer
5. I hate Hooters (the restaurant)

5 Things people may not know about me:
1. I believe in the death penalty
2. I have 3 tattoos
3. I like some country music
4. I'm a horrible joke-teller
5. I have pretty feet

5 Songs I love right now:
1. U2 "City of Blinding Lights"
2. Keane - The whole "Hopes & Fears" CD
3. Shawn Colvin "Round of Blues" (an oldie that's come around for me again)
4. Queens of the Stone Age "Little Sister"
5. Gwen Stefanie "Hollaback Girl" (okay, so I like the Bananas part)

5 TV Shows I love(d):
1. Friends
2. Law & Order SVU
3. The O.C.
4. Frasier
5. The Office (American version)

5 Places I'd rather be right now:
1. San Francisco
2. New York City
3. Salt Lake City
4. Asheville, NC
5. On a cruise

There are many other categories but I've gotten bored with it.