Monday, May 09, 2005


That's how I feel right now. I am eating SO BAD lately! And not just bad, but eating a lot too. Let's see - Friday night we had pizza, Saturday we went to Applebees and then I had a milkshake, Sunday I ate Taco Bell and then followed that up with a Blizzard from Dairy Queen. Today I had Wendy's for lunch, and then pizza again tonight! I feel pretty disgusting right now. It just gets to a point where it is too much junk. I am hoping that since I am done with school I will be able to cook more and eat more at home. I mean, you know it's getting bad when you pull through the drive through and then find yourself stuffing your face in the car! Not just fries, I'm talking eating whole hamburgers in the car while your driving. Ugh.

I don't have to work tomorrow! Graduation isn't until 6pm but I took the whole day off, just because I wanted to. I went shopping on Saturday and tonight looking for something cute to wear, but didn't really find anything. I bought something but I might end up returning it. My sister thinks I dress like an old lady sometimes. I just want to be comfortable.

I haven't really told many people that I'm graduating, just some family and a few friends know. I find that I am getting asked the same questions over and over again. It's like being in a relationship; you meet someone, things are good, you're dating for a while, and then the questions start. "When are you getting married? Where' the ring?" Then you do finally get engaged, and then you get "when's the date? When are you going to set a freakin date?" You set the date and get married, and then its "when are you having kids? Hurry up and have a baby!" And so on. Well, throughout school I've been asked "what are you going to school for?" about a million times, and for the longest time, I didn't know. Then I would get asked "when will you be finished?" and again, I didn't know. Well, now people still ask me what my major is or what I'm going to school for, and when I tell them, they sometimes get this look on their face. And then they ask the worst question, which is..."What are you going to do with that?" or "What kinds of jobs can you get with that?" I HATE those questions. What many people don't realize, is that nowadays having a Bachelors degree of any kind opens many doors. I am not quite sure at this very moment what I am going to do with a degree yet. It is very likely that I will do nothing right now, at least for a while. It just kind of annoys me that people think that the moment you graduate you have to run right out and get this awesome job, and if you don't know what you're going to do yet, or you have a degree like mine (psychology), they look at you like "what the hell?" Just let me enjoy my moment in the sun people! It took me 7 freakin years!!

Okay, enough with my rant. I feel that there are good things to come, they are on the way. I have been getting very meaningful fortunes in my fortune cookies. My refrigerator has fortunes stuck all over it because I save the good ones. My latest one said that "you will be sharing great news with all the ones you love." Hmmmmm, what could that mean?

0 "You love me":

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