Thursday, May 05, 2005

Sweet Relief

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I got a B+ in the class that I was afraid I was going to fail. Very relieved. So that is that; I am truly graduating. I am going to retire my book bag that has taken me through all 7 years, and rid myself of anything having to do with school. I won't throw it out, just get it out of my sight. I'm entertaining the idea of someday going back for a masters or another bachelors, but let's be real; I don't see that happening.

Tonight I am settling in for a night of The O.C. and leftover chinese food. Brent is working tonight. He is making good money doing it, and that is always good. We are really trying to fix up the house to get it ready for sale. It looks great right now. Almost makes us not want to leave. We might not if things keep going the way they are going. We made yet another offer on a house today, but probably too late. It was on the market since...yesterday, and they already had multiple offers. We still submitted ours, and I am not getting my hopes up. I would be THRILLED if we get it because it is basically everything that we want. I know I keep saying it but I am SO OVER this house stuff. IT's kind of like finding a boyfriend; the moment you STOP LOOKING is when you find him. It think it's like that with houses too. We are exhausting ourselves looking at tons of houses, and we'll probably find "the one" when we eventually give up.

This weekend my sister and I are taking my mom to lunch for Mother's day, and I am going shopping. That is exciting for me because I don't get to shop nearly as much as I used to. It seems I am constantly in need of work clothes. It's like as soon as I buy something new to wear, something old that I used to wear disappears.

Well, hope everyone is having a good Cinco de Mayo.

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