Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Lost Rocks!!

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Did any of the 1 people who read this watch Lost tonight? It was freaking awesome! I had to watch it by myself because Brent was working, and it was actually pretty scary. I know some people don't watch it because it is so confusing, but I've been hooked on it from the beginning, and tonight's finale was just great. It left SO many cliffhangers! What is up with the black kid that they took, and who were those guys? Is Sawyer dead? Why did Hurley say the numbers were bad? I can't wait until next season.

This stinks! I get done with school, plan on spending my nights sitting on my fat ass in front of the TV, and all of the good shows are over for the summer. Now I might have to actually DO something with my evenings, like clean my filthy house and do my piles of laundry.

I have been extremely stressed out because of work. For the past 2 weeks one of the girls I work with has been on vacation, so it is just me and one other person doing the work that 8 people used to do. Not happening. It's kind of funny (in an overwhelimg way) to look at my desk and see all of the different piles of work, and I have like 10 voicemails sitting on my phone. I am not having fun.

I should be making our lunches right now but I just don't feel like it. Keep checking back, good things to come.

1 "You love me":

At 11:30 PM, Blogger Alissa said...

We watched it again when they replayed it on Saturday night. Still just as good. Since Brent didn't get to see it on Wednesday, I had tried to explain to him everything that had happened, but I did a horrible job, so I'm glad he got to see it. I don't know if Walt can see the future, I just think that he gets vibes off things, or visions. And Sawyer is hot! I don't think they will kill him off strictly for that reason, but the raft is destroyed so what the heck are they going to do now?? Glad to know that I am not the only one addicted.


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