Monday, May 30, 2005

Long Weekend

This weekend was very lazy. Friday night I was exhausted, we just went to Chili's for dinner and then came home and crashed. Saturday I stayed in my pajamas until 12pm, then we went to Barnes & Noble and my parent's house. I am at my Dad's beck and call for typing documents and notarizing things for him. Anyway, Sunday I stayed in my pj's until 4pm, and could not work up the energy to do anything. It was great and awful at the same time. We eventually worked up enough strength to clean a bit, and then went out to eat with Brent's parents. Today we went over to his parent's house to hang out and swim. Tonight Brent is working, so I had to sit home alone. Got some laundry done and got caught up on Real World/Road Rules Inferno on MTV. Yet another program I am somewhat addicted to. I think I have officially become a couch potato.

Well, this weekend was so un-exciting that I don't really have anything to write about. I have really been wanting to get out of here for a while, even if it's just for a weekend. My mom wants Brent & I and my sister and her boyfriend to go camping with them in June. Camping in June in Florida is generally not the best idea. Between the heat, the mosquitoes, and the rain, it can make for bad times, so I don't know if we'll end up going. We did get a tent and lots of camping gear as wedding presents, so it might be fun to use them. When I imagine camping I like to think of mountains and rivers, not swamps and alligators.

By the way, did anyone notice how I am feeling today? If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out the right sidebar under "Today I'm feeling..."

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