Monday, May 02, 2005

What the hell.... wrong with people that think they are going to get full price for their piece of crap house?? I am over this house shopping stuff. I'm perplexed about some other things too, such as:

*What is going on with Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes? Are they for real? I don't really care much about either one of them, but it is just so strange to me.

*Gwen Stefani's video for "Holla Back Girl." I don't understand what high school, bananas and grocery stores have to do with each other. Why does she have to spell "Banana" in the song over and over? She even kicks a Dole box...I don't know what to think.

Do you ever watch Nanny 911 on Fox? If I ever have a satan-spawn child like some of these kids, I swear I would run away from home. They are AWFUL!

Wish me luck tomorrow, I am going to need it. I take my last (and hardest) final at 6pm. Then I am DONE! I am going to take up a hobby, just because I won't know what to do with all of my spare time. I'll probably just come home from work every night & fall asleep on the couch.

Stole this from Jenn who stole it from Kristy who stole it from Heidi:

5 Things everyone knows about me:
1. I am Pro-Choice
2. I like kareoke
3. My favorite show ever is Friends
4. I wanted to be a Solid Gold dancer
5. I hate Hooters (the restaurant)

5 Things people may not know about me:
1. I believe in the death penalty
2. I have 3 tattoos
3. I like some country music
4. I'm a horrible joke-teller
5. I have pretty feet

5 Songs I love right now:
1. U2 "City of Blinding Lights"
2. Keane - The whole "Hopes & Fears" CD
3. Shawn Colvin "Round of Blues" (an oldie that's come around for me again)
4. Queens of the Stone Age "Little Sister"
5. Gwen Stefanie "Hollaback Girl" (okay, so I like the Bananas part)

5 TV Shows I love(d):
1. Friends
2. Law & Order SVU
3. The O.C.
4. Frasier
5. The Office (American version)

5 Places I'd rather be right now:
1. San Francisco
2. New York City
3. Salt Lake City
4. Asheville, NC
5. On a cruise

There are many other categories but I've gotten bored with it.

0 "You love me":

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