Thursday, June 09, 2005

Happy Birthday to me!

And to my little embryo. Today I am 27 and embryo is 9 weeks old, which means it is no longer an embryo but a full-blown fetus. Fetus Morris. Today did not feel like much of a birthday for us. I worked, and then Brent and I went out to dinner (Carrabas-yum). Brent got me a docking station for my i-pod just like this one.

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He also got me a gift certificate for a massage. I am looking forward to that!
I'm still feeling really good, eating everything in sight. No throwing up, which I am happy about. We go for another ultrasound in about 2 weeks, and we should be able to hear the heartbeat. We just caught the end of a show on the National Geographic channel about conception to birth, and it almost made me cry seeing the baby be born. I am so impatient already.

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