Thursday, June 02, 2005

Baby on board...

Well, I peed on the stick and what do ya know?? Two lines came up! Six home pregnancy tests later (all with the same result), I figured I must be pregnant.

Today my little embryo is 8 weeks old! Well, not really, but I'm 8 weeks along. I was going to post a little picture of what it supposed to look like right now, but it is scary! Alien-looking. I was going to wait until the first trimester is over, but I really can't wait that long. Everything looks good, I feel good, and I am thinking very positively. With all of the information out there, it is easy to get freaked out about a lot of stuff, but I can't allow myself to freak out. At least, not anymore.

I'm going to post some pictures probably this weekend. My unofficial due date is January 21. I'm sure that will change a few times. We are very excited and happy, and I hope you check back for more updates.


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