Thursday, April 28, 2005

Bush sucks

He is doing his news conference while my show is on. Of course, that isn't the only reason, but I do have to say that he made me chuckle when he was talking about gas prices and social security. Anyway, off that infuriating topic.
Right now, typing this, I feel like I'm opening the door to a large empty room and just kind of yelling into space. I can almost hear an echo. I just mean that I know I am writing to no one, and it's kind of funny.
So this is a very exciting month for me. There are many birthdays - Angie on the 19th, Nicole on the 31st, Brent's dad...then there's Mother's day of course. Also, I am done with school next Tuesday and graduation ceremonies the Tuesday after that. I won't believe it until I have that diploma in my hand. I am still waiting for the call from the advising office that says,"there seems to have been a mistake..." Oh well. This month is also our 1 year wedding anniversary! Can you believe that?? I can't! Seems like SO long ago.
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It didn't go exactly according to plan, but in the end it worked out. Much thanks to my bridesmaids that made it possible. I tend to be indecisive, I also over-analyze and am prone to freak out, so they were very helpful in keeping me sane and making it fun.
Well, if you're bored, go to And if you're even more bored, go to Read the "poop story" if you dare, it is so funny. It is just fun to read about the lives of celebrities, and all the rumors, and she always has lots of pictures. I am working on putting some more links up to other blogs that I like. Don't think I just sit here on my ass and read boring crap about other people's lives all day.
Hope all is well.

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