Sunday, October 30, 2005


What were you doing 10 years ago?

1995 was one of my best years. I was 17, a senior in high school, madly in love with my first boyfriend, Kevin, and had fun, flirty friendships with other boys. I drove an awesome 67 VW bug, I was getting ready to quit my job at Kash n Karry and start working at a beach resort, and was looking forward to graduation. My best friends were and still are Angie and Lenabelle.

What were you doing 5 years ago?

In 2000 I was complacently living with my boyfriend, Darrick, in his house. We would get engaged in March of 2001, and would break up a few months after. I was going to school, and having fun working at the alarm call center. Things were pretty easy, other than my relationship, which many people thought was nearly perfect. It was, except we were more like friends/roomates than boyrfriend/girlfriend. I shopped a lot, I was driving a Saturn, and I had just started working in Brent's department. The flirtation begins. Brent has just gotten out of a broken engagement and was going through an extreme depression at this point.

What were you doing 1 year ago?

In October 2004 I was still a newlywed. We were living in our house, we had just refinanced actually. I was still going to school, looking forward to graduating, and working for the same shitty company that I presently work for.

What were you doing yesterday?

We went to Home Depot and bought a new faucet for our kitchen sink. Then we drove up to my sister's apartment and hung out with her and her roomate for a while. Then we went to Babies R Us and to the mall up there. We bought the baby a couple of sleep n plays. Then we went to my parent's house, my Mom gave me a flu shot, and then we had a pretty crappy dinner at Johnny Carino's. Then home and sleep.

Snacks you enjoy?

banana bread
blueberry muffins

Songs you know all the words to?

I know the words to a lot of songs. Some examples are:

many older Backstreet Boys songs
most Allison Krauss songs
Every song on Weezer's blue CD
"Hold On" by Wilson Phillips
"Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix A Lot and "Ice Ice Baby" by Vanilla Ice
"Soul Meets Body" by Death Cab

Things you would do if you had a million dollars?

Buy a house in North Carolina
Pay for my husband's education
Pay of my student loans and car loan
Quit my job to stay home with my baby
Save/invest the rest

Things you like doing?

Hanging out with my husband
Going out to dinner
Hearing my baby's heartbeat and feeling her move

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