Sunday, October 16, 2005

The Devil

I bet you didn't think that the devil would take the form of a dog, did you? But it's true. And the dog lives in my house. It took the form of a beagle, and its sole purpose is to make my home life miserable. You win, Satan. Mission accomplished! This "dog" hates me. It growls at me, licks my tile floors, farts right near me all the time, and just all around messes up my house. Any volunteers to rid my home of this beast and save my sanity? I didn't think so.

I just ate so much tonight. At my doctor appointment this month I got a slap on the wrist for gaining to much weight this past month. I had been doing pretty good, but then I gained 10 lbs. Oops. How did that happen? Well, tonight I ate a ton for dinner and then had a big fat bowl of ice cream, and did very little physical activity. Unless, of course, you count the walking around the grocery store picking up said ice cream.

Enough about weight, I have a little dilemma. In a previous post I wrote about how my wonderful place of business was going to technically terminate me while I am out after the baby. They don't have a maternity leave policy. But they are expecting me to be out the usual 6 weeks and then come back. Huh. I am 99.9% sure that there isn't a chance in hell that I'll be going back there. So, Brent and I have been discussing some options for when the time comes that I am jobless. My ultimate goal would be to start a teaching career next August. However, I want something to do to bring in money between February and August. Since Brent works days and is off by early afternoon, I am looking for something to do in the afternoons/evenings/weekends. It is my goal to not put the baby in daycare.

So, there's this job that I've seen in the paper quite often, and it seems like it would be a nice fit for what I'm looking for, at least for the 6 months that I'll need it. It is for a YMCA residential juvenile facility, and it involves direct interaction with the girls there. Now, I'm assuming this kids are no angels, to put it mildly. But, they are looking to fill 2nd or 3rd shift positions, full benefits, and a free YMCA membership. That last perk would be great for trying to take off the baby weight. It would also be good experience along the lines of my Psychology degree.

Now for the problem. This job is in the paper now, but I am worried that come January, it will be gone. I would rather not waitress if I could do something like this. So I was thinking about applying now. But, I am 6 months pregnant. Odds are they won't hire me for that reason. And if for some reason they do want to hire me, pregnant and all, that would mean some changes in my benefits, and I don't know if that would be the smartest thing to do at this point. Also, it pays $4.00 less an hour than what I make currently. However, it might be closer to home which would make up for the pay cut. I was thinking of maybe calling the contact person there and explaining my situation and seeing what they suggest. Maybe they could hold my resume until January and if there's something open at that point, then I could start. What do you think? Anyone out there - friends, family, random strangers. Please comment.

I just did spell check on this and it didn't recognize the word "fart." Isn't that in the dictionary?

2 "You love me":

At 4:27 PM, Blogger Angie said...

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At 4:27 PM, Blogger Angie said...

I say your best bet is calling and giving your resume to see if maybe there will be something opened in January. That way there is no concern about your benefits. Because having a baby is EXPENSIVE.


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