Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Mad at Blogger

It won't update changes that I've made to my profile and it is so slow to update posts. Irritating. Not much has been going on, so not much to write about. This weekend my big plans are to clean out a closet or two, and that's about it. Brent and I have been making weekly trips to Home Depot to look at paint colors. I think next month we are going to paint the bedroom and have a garage sale. We are having a hard time deciding on a color. Even though it is a girl I am anti most girly colors, especially pink. I am leaning towards painting the room a really light green, almost white, and Brent is leaning towards a darker color. The room is already dark as it is. So we'll see what we end up with. Hopefully next weekend we will meet up with our friends Lenabelle and EJ for dinner. We have been trying to get together for a while now, and our schedules never work out. The distance doesn't help either. Since the gas prices have been going up we have really been cutting down on our driving. I will not make a trip unless I absolutley have to.

Land O Lakes hot chocolate is the absolute best hot chocolate ever made. It puts Swiss Miss to shame. My Mother-in-law got us a huge box from Sam's with all different flavors in it, and I am almost out. It is the closes thing to coffee that I will drink right now. That was random, I know, but it had to be said.

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