Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Soooo, its been a longtime since I've posted anything, but I think it's official that no one really reads this, so who cares?

We did fine with Wilma. In fact, we got a three day weekend because of it. While I don't like the circumstances, I do enjoy staying home from work. I didn't sleep at all on Sunday night. The wind and rain started sometime around 2am, and got progressively worse through the morning. It was loud, and I was a little scared. I'm not so much afraid of the wind or anything, but I am terrified of tornadoes. I have never actually been in a tornado or even seen one, but they are really scary. During a storm, especially at night, when the wind starts blowing really loud, I am always afraid that next thing my roof is going to fly off. Anyway, no tornadoes. By 12pm it was windy and sunny, and the weather had cooled down. It actually felt like fall! It was nice.

Maybe the baby can feel a change in air pressure or something because she has been moving around like crazy lately. Really funny movements too. Last night Brent balanced the TV remote on my stomach and we watched it jiggle and shake. It was funny. Today I had to take that stupid glucose test for gestational diabetes. I HATE getting blood drawn. I am not a very good patient. I usually start crying, hyperventilate, sweaty palms, just really stupid. So I had to go chug the orange drink stuff they give you, and then sit in the waiting room for an hour. Then the bad part, the needle. It really wasn't that bad, I just hate it. Hopefully things will look fine on this test, otherwise I have to go for a 3 hour test and more blood samples. I am very sure that I don't have gestational diabetes. However, I have realized that I am a sugar/carb junkie. I was trying to avoid sugar for a couple of days before this test, and it was so hard! I eat so much sugar without realizing it. I'd better work on that, because that's probably a big reason I am gaining more weight.

Well, I am boring myself. I am half watching a Real World marathon on MTV until the office comes on at 9:30pm. I like that show.

0 "You love me":

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