Thursday, October 06, 2005


While on my 2 hour drive home today, I had a chance to think of some more things that annoy me. Right at the top of the list is snowbirds. It's the craziest thing; As soon as it becomes October 1, you notice a change. A normal 1 hr drive turns into an hour and a half or 2 hour drive. The wait at restaurants is longer. The supermarket is clogged with old people, and the road is jammed with RV's all heading south. My drive to work is normally bad, but from October 1 - April 30, it is unbearable.

I also hate smokers who throw their cigarette butts out the window when they are driving. The same people who do that probably wouldn't throw other trash on the ground, so why do they think the world is their personal ash tray? Cigarettes are tasty enough to put in your mouth and inhale into your body, but they aren't good enough to keep in your car for awhile until you can get to a trash can? Anytime I see someone do that, especially when I am right behind them, I wish I were a big man so I could drag them out of their cars and beat them.

Okay, I think I vented enough. I am looking forward to this weekend. We are registering for baby stuff on Saturday, and then we are going out to dinner with Lenabelle and EJ. I haven't seen them in forever. I am starting to feel really bad that Brent and I haven't done a thing to get the house ready for the baby. We haven't bought anything, we haven't painted the room or cleaned out the closets. I tend to be a procrastinator, but this is one thing I don't want to wait on.

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