Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Lobstah is wicked good!

I'm back. I am not happy about it, but that's the way I am. Anyone who knows me knows that after a vacation I go through about a week of severe depression, and eventually I get back to normal. It sucks.

Anyway, it was a good time. The weather was perfection! Low 80's during the day, low 60's at night...awesome. Sunny, blue skies, nice trees, all good. Here are a few observations that I've made about Mainers:

1. The people are very enviro-friendly and animal loving, which I love. Lots of great outdoorsy stuff going on, and the city is very clean.

2. They take lobster very seriously. I know that Maine is famous for lobster, but EVERYONE there eats it all the time. It is like an everyday thing for them, and everyone has lobster pots. I like lobster, but not after I saw how they eat lobster. I like my lobster tail all nice and pretty on my plate, ready to eat. They boil the lobster whole, then they tear it apart with their bare hands. Literally, ripping this lobster apart. It really turned me off to watch that.

3. The people drive slower, but not in a bad way. They seem much more patient on the road, and a lot more courteous. That is always a good thing. Also, I have never seen so many Kerry/Edwards stickers. LOVE THAT! These people are my kind of people.

We camped out every night except the last night. My camping tolerance is about 3 days, and then I am done. I needed a good bed, a long shower, and TV, so we got a hotel room in Portland. This was a great idea on my part. However, we were awakened at 6:30am by the screeching fire alarm. In a half sleep we got dressed and had to trek down the stairs from the 3rd floor and outside. Of course, it was a false alarm, but all good because we had to get up at 6:45 anyway to get the plane. We had rented a Chevy Trailblazer and Nicole, Jacob, Chris, Brent and I spent most of the days driving around, checking things out. My favorite day was Saturday when we went to the lighthouse in Pemiquot. I am totally spelling that wrong. At night, we hung out with all of the party-goers, listened to the bands and observed all of the drunk people. We had a fire down by our campsite and hung out there a lot. Can I just say that while I know we get on eachother's nerves, I love my sister. I love hanging out with her.

Here are some pictures:
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Someone brough 93 lbs of lobster to this party, and Brent decided to pick one up. The thing is, Brent finds pretty much all seafood disgusting, especially crabs and lobster. He can't even watch those shows on the Discovery Channel about crabs because they freak him out so bad. Anyway, he picks up this lobster, all proud of himself, and then the thing moves and Brent freaks and drops it.

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My sister. We all spent a lot of time in that hammock.

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View from the top of a lighthouse

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Setting up the campsite

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Portland street

1 "You love me":

At 10:07 AM, Blogger stasia said...

Thank you!!! I needed the confirmation that what I was doing wasn't stupid.


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