Sunday, August 14, 2005

I can't get into too much detail, but there are things going on at my job right now that make me want to rip my hair our. I have been aware of a situation for a while, and on Friday I found out something else that made it even worse. The blatant favoritism and crap that is going on make me not want to ever go back, but I have to because I need my benefits. I just don't kow how to handle things right now. I don't know how I'm going to handle dealing with certain people in the coming weeks. It just seems that the most undeserving people get exactly what they want, while the people that work hard and just do their job get shit on (that being me). I am incapable of ass-kissing and sucking up. I am not good at it and I just can't do it, even if it does mean getting a big fat raise. Therefore, I do not get raises, I do not make enough money for the amount of work that I do and the length of time that I've been there. There used to be 8 people doing my job, and now there are only 2 of us left. All of the others have moved on to better things, and I am still there for some reason. How stupid am I?

2 "You love me":

At 4:23 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Preaching to the choir I am afraid. I would really like to just tell everyone where I work to SHOVE IT and storm out the door, but alas, we are 'grown ups' now and it doesn't work that way. Chin up, soon it will baby time and you can get the HELL out of their.

At 10:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's never going to change there... stick to your guns and chin up (like angie said) for the time being. reep your benefits until baby time and then get the hell out of dodge and worry about the rest later.



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