Thursday, April 14, 2005


Just a little piece of advice for ya...don't move to Sarasota. Well, I should say, only move to Sarasota if you are one of the following: 1. old 2. old & rich or 3. young & rich (and even then, why would you move here?). I am so sick of the people here, and the house prices are ridiculous because of these kinds of people. I just went and looked at a house tonight. On paper it sounded great: 3bed/2bath, pool, 2 story. It was gross. Needed landscaping, needed to be pressure-washed, the pool (if you could call it that) was about big enough for one person to do laps back and forth. It stunk inside, it was very poorly built, and the neighborhood was a little iffy. All of this for the low price of $259,000. Unbelieveable. It is about impossible to find a decent house for under 200k here. If you do find a decent one, it is gone in 2 days. This weekend we are going to look at a house on Saturday and one on Sunday. The one on Sunday I have high hopes for. It is in Venice so it would still be a drive, but closer than we are now.

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Isn't it cute?

I am pretty stressed out right now, lots of things happening at once. A friend referred me to a job, and I applied for it. They called me back today and left me a message. It's working with Alzheimer's patients. It pays more than I make now, but unfortunately it's in Bradenton. I'm going to call them back tomorrow. If they want to interview me I'll go and just see what happens. I probably won't even get it and then I won't have to worry about it.

Well, enough of my whining. Hope all 2 people (including me) who might look at this are doing good.


2 "You love me":

At 10:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alissa, it's good to read what has been going on with you lately. It has been toooo long since we have talked and I miss that. Really enjoying your comments. Say hi to Brent for me. Where is he working now?

At 10:04 AM, Blogger Alissa said...

Karen! It is so good to hear from you. Brent is working for a company called Ranger American, based in Sarasota. He is really liking it! Things are going really good for us now. I hope you check back often, I'm going to try to stay on top of updating this site as much as possible.


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