Tuesday, April 12, 2005

What to do...

I want to email a few people to let them know about my little page, but I am hesitant because, well let's be honest - I'm not good with following through with things, and will probably update this for a few weeks, maybe stretch it a month, and then just forget about it. That is a run-on sentence. I know that there are people out there who will be waiting on the edge of their seats for me to post more pictures and write about my day-to-day life, and I don't want to let them down. I am going to do the best I can, and I'm going to devote time that could be better spent elsewhere by trying to learn new blogging things. Such as, I want to add more links, learn how to post pics in the sidebar, and add a hit counter (so I can see how many adoring fans I have.)

And have you read other people's blogs? They are so witty and intelligent, and funny! I don't want my little blog to feel inferior. And I'm sorry, but how full of yourself do you have to be to start a blog about yourself? To actually think that people are going to want to sit and waste their time reading about what you ate that day. I hope people don't think I am full of myself.

I am also hesitant to tell people about this because it's a little embarrassing. I can actually hear myself getting geekier. People might ask "Why don't you do something outdoors, or spend more time on school work, or learn a trade?" Well, I don't know. I am a blog-oholic. I like reading other blogs, and I am tired of being in the closet.

0 "You love me":

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