Thursday, April 28, 2005

Bush sucks

He is doing his news conference while my show is on. Of course, that isn't the only reason, but I do have to say that he made me chuckle when he was talking about gas prices and social security. Anyway, off that infuriating topic.
Right now, typing this, I feel like I'm opening the door to a large empty room and just kind of yelling into space. I can almost hear an echo. I just mean that I know I am writing to no one, and it's kind of funny.
So this is a very exciting month for me. There are many birthdays - Angie on the 19th, Nicole on the 31st, Brent's dad...then there's Mother's day of course. Also, I am done with school next Tuesday and graduation ceremonies the Tuesday after that. I won't believe it until I have that diploma in my hand. I am still waiting for the call from the advising office that says,"there seems to have been a mistake..." Oh well. This month is also our 1 year wedding anniversary! Can you believe that?? I can't! Seems like SO long ago.
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It didn't go exactly according to plan, but in the end it worked out. Much thanks to my bridesmaids that made it possible. I tend to be indecisive, I also over-analyze and am prone to freak out, so they were very helpful in keeping me sane and making it fun.
Well, if you're bored, go to And if you're even more bored, go to Read the "poop story" if you dare, it is so funny. It is just fun to read about the lives of celebrities, and all the rumors, and she always has lots of pictures. I am working on putting some more links up to other blogs that I like. Don't think I just sit here on my ass and read boring crap about other people's lives all day.
Hope all is well.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Speaking of San Fran, these are some stinky sea lions we saw. I feel as fat as the big one in the middle. Posted by Hello

I told you

I knew I wouldn't be so good about keeping up with this thing. I don't even have anything to write about tonight, just figured I would. Actually, a lot is going on right now, but I can't write about all of it. We are still house shopping. The cute Venice house didn't work out. The day we were supposed to go see it, the people called us and told us that they signed a contract the night before, so we didn't even get to go look at it. We have seen many other houses, and we are just trying to take things slowly. It's hard to do when some houses sell in 24 hours! This is a frustrating process and I can't wait till it's over.

Only 17 days until graduation, and even fewer until school is done. Next week is the last week of actual classes, then it's on to finals, which I only have 2. Then, sweet relief. I won't know what to do with my nights! I am really wanting to go somewhere lately. Brent is going on a golf trip in June, and I want to go do something. I was thinking about San Francisco, but ticket prices are a little high right now.

Thursday, April 14, 2005


Just a little piece of advice for ya...don't move to Sarasota. Well, I should say, only move to Sarasota if you are one of the following: 1. old 2. old & rich or 3. young & rich (and even then, why would you move here?). I am so sick of the people here, and the house prices are ridiculous because of these kinds of people. I just went and looked at a house tonight. On paper it sounded great: 3bed/2bath, pool, 2 story. It was gross. Needed landscaping, needed to be pressure-washed, the pool (if you could call it that) was about big enough for one person to do laps back and forth. It stunk inside, it was very poorly built, and the neighborhood was a little iffy. All of this for the low price of $259,000. Unbelieveable. It is about impossible to find a decent house for under 200k here. If you do find a decent one, it is gone in 2 days. This weekend we are going to look at a house on Saturday and one on Sunday. The one on Sunday I have high hopes for. It is in Venice so it would still be a drive, but closer than we are now.

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Isn't it cute?

I am pretty stressed out right now, lots of things happening at once. A friend referred me to a job, and I applied for it. They called me back today and left me a message. It's working with Alzheimer's patients. It pays more than I make now, but unfortunately it's in Bradenton. I'm going to call them back tomorrow. If they want to interview me I'll go and just see what happens. I probably won't even get it and then I won't have to worry about it.

Well, enough of my whining. Hope all 2 people (including me) who might look at this are doing good.


I just wanted to mention - if anyone has a problem with me posting a picture that includes them in it, please let me know and I will take it down. Unless it's because you think you look bad, and I think you look fine, in which case I will not take it down.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

It's Official...

I've gotten a few responses back from a few different people, and there is one thing they all agree on - I'm a dork! I happily agree that I am, so that's out of the way. I'm at work right now, wasting time on my lunch hour, and everywhere I go online they are talking about Britany Spears being pregnant by that scumbag. I am tired of hearing about it already. Not much else is going on. I am constantly online checking out realty websites. I'm pretty sure we are selling the house next month and moving to Sarasota. We have a realtor helping us check out listings, and this weekend we are probably going to drive around and look at some neighborhoods. Last weekend we looked at a house FSBO and it was okay on the outside, and pretty gross inside. If you know that people are coming over to look through your house, wouldn't you at least pick up a little? They has dirty clothes on the floor, it stunk, and there were spider-webs everywhere! Just gross. The scary thing is that Brent said they probably did straighten up a little, so what might it have looked like before? Brent was talking about wanting to move to Colorado, that is until they had that big blizzard last week. Now he's not so sure :-). Well, I guess my hour is about over. Angie - did you notice that all of the reunion stuff is gone from the BHS website? Now it doesn't even mention it. Wierd.


Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Nicole & Brent in Greenwich Village, so trendy Posted by Hello

Could we look colder?? Posted by Hello

What to do...

I want to email a few people to let them know about my little page, but I am hesitant because, well let's be honest - I'm not good with following through with things, and will probably update this for a few weeks, maybe stretch it a month, and then just forget about it. That is a run-on sentence. I know that there are people out there who will be waiting on the edge of their seats for me to post more pictures and write about my day-to-day life, and I don't want to let them down. I am going to do the best I can, and I'm going to devote time that could be better spent elsewhere by trying to learn new blogging things. Such as, I want to add more links, learn how to post pics in the sidebar, and add a hit counter (so I can see how many adoring fans I have.)

And have you read other people's blogs? They are so witty and intelligent, and funny! I don't want my little blog to feel inferior. And I'm sorry, but how full of yourself do you have to be to start a blog about yourself? To actually think that people are going to want to sit and waste their time reading about what you ate that day. I hope people don't think I am full of myself.

I am also hesitant to tell people about this because it's a little embarrassing. I can actually hear myself getting geekier. People might ask "Why don't you do something outdoors, or spend more time on school work, or learn a trade?" Well, I don't know. I am a blog-oholic. I like reading other blogs, and I am tired of being in the closet.

Well, I think you get the idea....

I am just going to play with this until I figure it out. It will be a nice way to post pictures, if nothing else. Now I have to go do what I was supposed to be doing this whole time, which is finish up a paper for Psychology of Learning class tomorrow night.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Brent and I in California over Christmas Posted by Hello

Well, this picture posting thing finally worked! I am addicted to reading blogs. Next I am going to find out how to add links to my blog so that people can go to the blogs that I think are good. Like anyone is going to read this, but just in case someone is bored. Posted by Hello

my beautiful wedding party! Posted by Hello

lula Posted by Hello