This is the first chance I've been able to sit and write for a while. I am would really like to change a lot of things on this blog, but I don't have time to try to figure out how to do it. I hate the template, it is really boring, but I html code is really hard to figure out and I'm afraid I'll make one wrong move and lose the whole thing.
I am in a ranting mood today. First of all, we found out last Wednesday that we are having a girl. We were more than happy with that news. Brent was even a little relieved to be having a daughter rather than a son for our first child. What got me a little upset was some people's reactions when I told them. A few people had the nerve to come right out and ask me if I was disappointed. When I said no, they asked me if Brent was disappointed. Why the hell would we be disappointed?? Just because men are always supposed to want boys? I know that some guys are like that, but I still wouldn't come out and ask someone if they were disappointed in their child, especially when it is something we obviously can't control. I know that people didn't mean it to be offensive, but after the 3rd time hearing it I was over it. I always thought that I would want a boy as a first child because it seemed like boys were easier, less to worry about. When I found out I was pregnant, I began to change my mind. Girls are more fun to shop for, and there's a good chance she'll be a helper when we decide to have another one. I've also been told I'm going to be "huge." Thanks.
Another thing upsetting me is all the news about the hurricane. It hurts my heart to think about what these people are going through. It overwhelms me when I try to think about it. I can't even pretend to know what is like. It's like a car accident you can't help but look at, I keep reading things on it and watching the news. But when I hear about the anarchy that is going on, the looting, the shooting, the is so infuriating. These people are begging for their lives, and yet due to the complete lack of conscience of a few people, they are delaying their own rescue. I don't know if that sentence made sense, but you get the point. Starting fires, shooting rescue helicopters, holding up supply vehicles at gunpoint...what the hell? I can understand looting food and baby items, necessities, but today on I saw a picture of a guy floating a garbage pail full of stolen beer. They have absolutely no concept of right and wrong. They are trying to evacuate sick people from hospitals and people are shooting at the helicopters and medics, like it's a sport. If someone is waving a gun around, the police and military should have the right to shoot them on the spot. I know we are going to hear about innocent people getting murdered by stray gunfire from these crazies. It's like they don't know how to live in a civilized world. They see an opportunity to get crazy and they take it. I know they say that tragedies like this bring out the best in some people and the worst in others. And this is one of those cases I guess. Unfortunatley, I am reading a lot more stories about the bad.
Okay, I'm not so sure I want to post this now since I seem really grumpy. I guess I am grumpy. Work usually makes me that way. To lighten the mood go to and read about the wonderful world of celebrities and their silliness. Or go to www. and be entertained.