I am going to cry. Exactly 2 weeks after it broke last time, the air conditioner is broken again. I've come to find out that even though we just spent $1600, that was only for the compressor. Now the air handler is broken. The air handler will probably cost another $1000. This thing is determined to take every bit of money that I've worked so hard to save. So now I sit here at 9:37 on Thursday night, in a warm house, feeling like I am going to break down in tears any minute over an air conditioner. It is at times like these when I wonder if owning a house is really worth it. I know that in the long run it is, but right now it sucks. Pulling weeds sucks, painting rooms sucks, and broken air conditioners and garage door openers suck. I wish I could just call the landlord and have him take care of it and pay for it. Unfortunately, I am the landlord.
Alissa's Stuff
Before & After
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Friday, July 22, 2005
Insects Beware!!
I killed the spider. I hunted it down last night before bed and killed it. I could not sleep with the thought that it might still be crawling around. It wasn't easy; it took chasing it through 2 rooms, moving some furniture, a can of WD40, a clothes hanger, the vaccuum, and a shoe, but in the end it lie dead and I was still standing unharmed. Well, not completely unharmed, I did end up with some minor rug burn. But I killed it.
Oh, by the way Jenn, I got into my truck to leave Applebee's last night and before I was on the highway I had thought of that baby name. Gunner. See, I make up names off the top of my head just to freak Brent out and I pretend to be kind of serious about them. I've suggested naming the baby Butter, Francisco, and Van for example. While I'm kind of half-joking, sometimes a name starts to grow on me, like Gunner. Brent wants a more traditional name, but one strange name he likes is Pirate. Yes, as in the name of Jonathan Davis's baby. Brent likes Pirate. How many jokes can you make up about butt-pirates? So, Pirate Morris is off the table.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
I Miss You by Blink 182 |
![]() "The unsuspecting victim Of darkness in the valley We can live like Jack and Sally if we want Where you can always find me" You grew up a lot in 2004. And it was mostly a very good thing. |
Part Passionate Kisser |
![]() For you, kissing is about all about following your urges If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble |
Part Expert Kisser |
![]() You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable |
You like me!
Okay, so I found out tonight that I have a dedicated fan who actually reads this sight! Yes Jenn, I'm talking about you. So, that has motivated me to post tonight. I have to keep my public happy. Now, what to write about? Let's start with this:

1. I open my bathroom drawer this morning while I'm getting ready, and there is a ginormous brown spider in there under the bag of cough drops. I HATE spiders. In the time it took me to go get the spray, it disappeared, so now I know that there is a huge spider in my bathroom somewhere.
2. Because of the spider, I was running late and didn't have time to grab anything but swiss cake rolls for breakfast. I ate them at my desk at work, feeling sicker by the bite, and then when I was finished I discovered that I had a perfectly good package of blueberry muffins in my desk drawer. I would have much rather had the blueberry muffins and not the swiss cake rolls.
3. Something happened at work where I was forced to write a very long explanatory email about why something was not my fault. I hate when I have to explain my self in a defensive way.
4. I know I said 3 things that pissed me off in one day, but I am pretty damn clumsy and that pissed me off today too.
So, now that's out of the way. I did have a very nice after work shirley temple with a girl that I work with and another girl that I used to work with. It was supposed to be a bunch of us, kind of like a reunion, but most of them canceled (that pissed me off too). So it was just the three of us.
I was talking to one of the girls tonight, and she wasn't familiar with blogs, so I thought I would share my little addiction with you. I tried to link many of them in the "links" section on the side there, but only 3 out of the 4 work, and I just don't feel like messing with it. So here are some blogs that I check out pretty religiously:
I love this one and check it daily. This is a celebrity blog and he is hilarious! He is a gay teacher, and he loves music and concerts and pop culture. I love his sense of humor.
This is another pretty funny one. Another celebrity blog written by someone who calls herself "Distressed Jeans." She cracks me up.
Okay, there are more but I got bored with posting them. This is enough to give you guys a good start. Well, I'm going to stop writing for a while, but I think I'll post more later.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Okay, so it has been a really long time since I've posted anything, not that anyone cares because I don't think anyone reads. I'm just kind of disappointed in myself. I'm going to post more, I promise. Not much has been going on to write about. This weekend we really did absolutely nothing! I feel so bad when I am so lazy, and my house is such a mess but I just cannot work up the energy to do anything about it. We did go grocery shopping tonight and made a yummy dinner, so that's good.
I was a little frustrated this past week. First, we spent $600 on new tires for my car. Then we got out plane tickets for Maine which cost about that much too. Then Friday morning we wake up, and it is SO hot in our house. Brent went and checked and our A/C was busted. In Florida, in July, and probably the hottest week of the year. So that just started off my morning real bad. My day didn't get much better. I called the A/C people from work and they tell me they are so busy that they can't tell me exactly when they can come out, but someone has to be home when they do show up. I explain to him that we are working people and can't just drop everything to run home. He tells me to call another company. So I do, and they at least give me a window of 1 - 3pm. Because of my roller coaster emotions, I was practically in tears setting up the appointment. Anyway, it just so happened that I had a doctor's appointment at 12:40 with my ob/gyn. This would be my first real meeting with her and Brent was supposed to go with me. Now because of the freaking old ass A/C he had to go home and couldn't go with me. So I went, and the doctor let me hear the baby's heartbeat and it was awesome, and at the same time I felt awful that Brent couldn't hear it too. My due date is January 18th, as of today I am 13 weeks and out of my first trimester. I am so relieved. I just found out that another friend had a miscarriage, and it just kills me. Anyway, back to the A/C. It would either cost us $500 to install a new motor, or we could get a new system for $1600. We decided to go with the new system. We replaced the motor about 2 years ago, and my Dad said putting in another new motor might get us another 2 years, if we were lucky. So we are officially broke now.
Well, that was an interesting story huh? This is why I haven't been posting, because this is my life! I am looking forward to going to Maine. We are going next month, we figure it will probably be our last vacation as non-parents. Because I don't really have anything else to write about, here are some pictures of our camping adventure last month.

Now this is a campsite!

Our awesome Coleman tent that stayed dry in the flood!

Well, I had more to post but Image Shack decided to stop responding, and it's late so I'll do them tomorrow. I was thinking about posting pictures of me, but I feel really silly doing it. I'm more self conscious then I thought I would be about showing belly pictures. I guess it's because I don't think I look pregnant, just fat!
More later,