Saturday, June 25, 2005

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Here is a picture of baby at 9 weeks old. Click on it for a bigger view. We had this ultrasound done this past Monday. We could see the heartbeat fluttering, and see it move. It's heart is beating at 178 beats per minute. My due date is still January 22. I am doing good, busting out of my pants a little. I have to keep them unbuttoned most of the time, and I'm trying to wear looser shirts. Other than that, I still have had no real morning sickness, though some days I come real close. I am eating like a horse and still tired all the time.

Camping was fun, we made it through okay. It rained really bad Saturday afternoon, I thought our tent was a goner, but it survived. I highly recommend Coleman tents! Besides a few mosquito bites, I came out okay.

Today we are hanging out and cleaning the house, which was badly needed. I'll post more soon.

Friday, June 17, 2005

The Great Outdoors

Hello, I have been really bad about posting anything lately. There isn't much to write about. Tonight I am really excited because I notice that my belly is showing a little. I am 10 weeks, almost out of that scary first trimester. I could not stop rubbing my belly and it feels so much more firm and just bigger. I love it.

So we are going camping with my parents this weekend. Should be interesting. Between the heat, mosquitoes, alligators, and possible thunderstorms, I hope I survive. We are only staying Saturday night, so only one night in a tent.

I'll post pictures soon.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Happy Birthday to me!

And to my little embryo. Today I am 27 and embryo is 9 weeks old, which means it is no longer an embryo but a full-blown fetus. Fetus Morris. Today did not feel like much of a birthday for us. I worked, and then Brent and I went out to dinner (Carrabas-yum). Brent got me a docking station for my i-pod just like this one.

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He also got me a gift certificate for a massage. I am looking forward to that!
I'm still feeling really good, eating everything in sight. No throwing up, which I am happy about. We go for another ultrasound in about 2 weeks, and we should be able to hear the heartbeat. We just caught the end of a show on the National Geographic channel about conception to birth, and it almost made me cry seeing the baby be born. I am so impatient already.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Baby on board...

Well, I peed on the stick and what do ya know?? Two lines came up! Six home pregnancy tests later (all with the same result), I figured I must be pregnant.

Today my little embryo is 8 weeks old! Well, not really, but I'm 8 weeks along. I was going to post a little picture of what it supposed to look like right now, but it is scary! Alien-looking. I was going to wait until the first trimester is over, but I really can't wait that long. Everything looks good, I feel good, and I am thinking very positively. With all of the information out there, it is easy to get freaked out about a lot of stuff, but I can't allow myself to freak out. At least, not anymore.

I'm going to post some pictures probably this weekend. My unofficial due date is January 21. I'm sure that will change a few times. We are very excited and happy, and I hope you check back for more updates.
