Tuesday, December 27, 2005

When fat things happen to good people

Good lord. This is me December 16th at my work's Christmas party. That poor man sitting next to me is my husband. Through this pregnancy I have gained almost 50lbs, and every bit of it shows in this picture. Wow. It is still shocking to see my new self in pictures. When I picture myself in my mind I am at most 22 years old, and have a very decent shape. The reality kicks my butt everytime.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Before & After

Well, I was going to post pictures of the baby's room before and after its transformation from office/spare room to baby's room, but Image Shack keeps telling me my file is too large. I don't know why, seeing as how I took the pictures with the same camera as every other picture I've posted on here. Those all posted fine, so why not these? I have not quit figured out how to re-size an image, so I guess the pistures will have to wait until I can find someone who has mastered he re-sizing of photos, and get them to help me.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Caption Me

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Saturday, December 10, 2005

People who cancel plans at the last minute suck.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You?

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Busy Busy

Well, I haven't posted for a while since I figured no one read this anyway. However, at the request of my best friend, I will post once again. We've had so much going on lately that it has been hard finding time.

The Tuesday before Thanksgiving we drove to North Carolina. Big mistake. This is a family tradition, to drive up and spend Thanksgiving with my Grandma and family. However, being as pregnant as I am, an 11 hour overnight car trip is not the most fun. Add to that being trapped in a house with 12 people who were seriously getting on my nerves. I couldn't wait to get home. Unfortunatly, I managed to pick up a horrible cold up there. It's been over a week and it is still sticking around. I've been trying to go my entire pregnancy without taking any medication other than Tums. Monday my cold was so bad that I broke down and had Brent pick up some Robitussin cough syrup, one of the doctor approved medicines. I took one very small dose and felt so guilty about it that I decided not to take anymore and just suffer through. It didn't really do anything anyway. I had a routine doctor appointment and the doctor said that my cold would have no bad effects on the baby, so that made me feel better.

Yesterday we had our first Prepared Childbirth class. That was an interesting experience. It was nice to see so many other pregnant couples. But it was funny how you could tell that all of the mothers were sizing each other up. Is she bigger, smaller, fatter, etc. Kind of like walking in to the first day of school.
Anyway, we had heard the class was kind of useless, but we both liked it. Yeah, they tell you a lot of stuff you already know, but it helped to put to rest some of my fears. We watched a video of a birth, and I think I was the only one in the class that had to look away. Even Brent watched the whole way through. Without going into too much detail, the placenta is disgusting. So gross.

We took a tour of the hospital, went over where to go when the time comes, etc. At the end of the class it got kinda weird because we (mothers & fathers) had to lay on these mats with our pillows and do relaxation excercises, listening to new age music, envisioning ourselves on a beach, taking deep breaths. We go again next Saturday, and I think we are going to focus more on the Lamaze stuff. I liked it because it really added to my excitement, made it feel so much more real. Seeing the room I would be in, seeing the nursery. 44 days to go and I am really excited to go through it all.